A new neighbour. Day 22: Insect Hunter

Finished reading: Not a Novel: A Memoir in Pieces by Jenny Erpenbeck 📚

On IG I regularly post to a “bookstagram” account at neil.reads. I realized a good way to get more use out of my fairly new micro.blog would be to put my IG posts here as well (which would also cross-post to mastodon). Even though I have no audience on micro.blog posting my IG stuff here first would help me build this blog into something more than it would be otherwise.

Cyclettes is a memoir—part travelogue, part philosophical musing constructed around the framework of bikes and cycling that have been a constant throughout the author’s life. Interspersed throughout the book along side the text are plenty of photos, diagrams, charts. It’s an interesting read so far. This is borrowed from the library but I think l’Il pick up my own copy when l’m done.

Austin Kleon’s blog post about centripetal and centrifugal books.


One way to decide what to read next is to let the current book you’re reading be your guide. In a blog post Austin Kleon described the idea of books being either centripetal or centrifugal, in other words some books suck in you and some spin you out. Some books will frequently be referenced by other books and they are ones you’ll return to again and again, they exert a centripetal force. Other books will generate lists of new books to seek out sending you outwards—a centrifugal force. This is not an objective measure, what is centripetal for person maybe centrifugal for another.

In Jenny Erpenbeck’s book Not a Novel: A Memoir in Pieces there are two chapters pushing me outwards towards my next potential reads. One chapter is about Ovid’s Metamorphosis and the other about Thomas Mann in which Doctor Faustus is mentioned among his other writing. Both of these books I have and I’m strongly tempted too follow this thread from Not a Novel, outward to one of these other books—perhaps starting with Ovid first and then Mann.

Day 21: Tiny creamer

Day 20: houseplant

Posting late for the 19th when I had such a bad headache I didn’t get out of bed the entire day. I just lay in bed straight through to Monday. Prompt: analog

The one occurrence of the word portico in my photo library.

Early, but not to early.

There’s no way these monstrosities should be allowed on the road.

Amateur, 1994

Watched on Wednesday March 15, 2023.

Patience, I think is one attribute you need to tackle a work like The Tale of Genji

Day 14: horizon

Making room for a connection

Day 11: Shiny

TÁR, 2022

Watched on Saturday March 11, 2023.

The Iron Giant, 1999

Watched on Saturday March 11, 2023.

Day 11: gimcrack