paperhound: Don’t dog-ear your page. Dog-ear the dog’s ear. That’s right: we’ve been Paper Hounding for five years and we’re marking the anniversary with a mark. Specifically, a flat, basic bookmark that folds into a three-dimensional canine who sits up and stares coyly over his shoulder at you, dear reader, as he fiercely guards your place. There are dotted lines to guide you. It’s easy. So you dog-ear the dog’s ear. Then crease along his collar (origamists will recognise this as a valley fold), crease in the other direction (a mountain fold) diagonally along his centre, then one more fold at his base. These bookmarks were a rad collaboration with our customer Amir Mohtasebi. Follow him on Instagram, buy his prints, congratulate him on being an illustration genius if you meet him on the street. And congratulate yourselves for being great supporters of brick-and-mortar bookselling in an age of corporate retail homogeneity and the razing of quirky independent spaces. We’re so happy to be bookmarking this place in our history (but trust us, this is just the first chapter and it’s gonna be a long book).
It means that most of the time I am eager, longing for the possibility of telling you. That these possibilities seem frightening, but not destructive, to me. That I feel strong enough to hear your tentative and groping words. That we both know we are trying, all the time, to extend the possibilites of truth between us. — Adrienne Rich, from On Lies, Secrets, and Silence: Selected Prose, 1966-1978.
(via xshayarsha)
exit152:if ur feeling desperately sad this summer, wait until it gets dark and half quiet and then open a window. cool air and passing cars are gonna heal ur heart. i promise
(via One more reason to visit your local, independent, secondhand bookstore. They might be playing Javanese Gamelan music like this. @paperhound