“Why diacritical marks are essential” I pay a lot more attention to these now especially when typing on the phone where inserting the correct character is so easy.

Always say yes to seeing friends Eat breakfast every day Recognize that positive change rarely happens overnight Accept the fuck-ups, but try not to let them happen again There is a song to remedy every situation on the planet Appreciate the people in your life Look for the good in everything Try new things and try them often Treat yourself as well as you treat others
A meditation on the surveillance state, interface design, tech culture, and the dangers of thinking you know what will happen next, told through the astonishing life of Lev Termen.
The story is simple: A bunch of black rats almost wiped out a bunch of gigantic bugs on a little island far, far away from most of us. — http://www.npr.org/blogs/krulwich/2012/02/24/147367644/six-legged-giant-finds-secret-hideaway-hides-for-80-years
Now all the Mojave Metal pieces are available as prints from Redbubble.com.Get them here.
The number of people in Colombia killed by U.S. tobacco is way beyond the number of Americans killed by Colombian cocaine… Okay, do they have a right to come to the United States and carry out chemical warfare in North Carolina and Kentucky because they have a tobacco problem and it’s coming from here? You can’t even speak the words it’s so outlandish.
youtu.be/RRy_73ivc… How times change. Striking how genteel the first clip seems.
This is how being 41 and signing up for every social media platform feels. twitter.com/mathowie/…