YVR (at Vancouver International Airport (YVR))

Pork bibimbap (at Damso)

Korean taco! (at Damso)

Precariously perched glasses (at Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal)

Queen of Cumberland


Happy Fezmas! #fez

Keeping an eye on things #skytrain #vancouver

Playa (at Azul Fives Hotel)


Pineapple face (at Azul Fives Hotel)


Ring power! (at Azul Fives Hotel)

Wedding on the beach. (at Azul Fives Hotel)

Lovely ladies. (at Azul Fives Hotel)

Laura and Shane get hitched! (at Azul Fives Hotel)

Playa. (at Azul Fives Hotel)

Behind the scenes. (at Azul Fives Hotel)

The girls got some fancy foot jewelry.

Patented bipod technique (at Azul Fives Hotel)