Suzume, 2022 - ★★★

I thought it was ok. Too long with some sections dragging on but not in an interesting way. I don’t like the look of a lot of modern anime like this, it’s too shiny and over-saturated. Reminds me of gaudy, over-processed HDR photos. I also find the tone and performances pitched one or two notches too high for my taste. Vastly prefer Ghibli’s more understated visual and performance style.

Girls of the Night, 1961

Watched on Wednesday March 27, 2024.

That Love is all there is,
Is all we know of Love;
It is enough, the freight should be
Proportioned to the groove.

– Emily Dickinson, 1765

Dune: Part Two, 2024

Watched on Sunday March 17, 2024.

The Teachers’ Lounge, 2023 - ★★★½

Watched on Monday March 11, 2024.

Two more to add to my ever growing library.

I’ve seen the movie adaptation of Closely Watched Trains, though my memory of it is sketchy. This may be the perfect time to read the book and then perhaps a rewatch of the movie.

I recently listened to an interview with Max Lawton the translator of Telluria (and many other books by Sorokin). The interview talked mainly about Blue Lard which sounds interesting but quite intense. Telluria should be a gentler introduction to Sorokin’s work.

The Wandering Princess, 1960

Watched on Saturday March 9, 2024.

A recent episode of In Our Time discussed the Hanseatic League or Hansa, a loose organization that dominated Northern European trade in the medieval period. I’d never heard of it directly before but I certainly have heard of Lufthansa, the modern German airline named after, or inspired by the Hansa.…

Embarking on a buddy-reading adventure with Don Quixote!

Lovable You, 1980

Watched on Monday March 4, 2024.

The Moon Has Risen, 1955 - ★★★★

Watched on Sunday March 3, 2024.

Love Letter, 1953 - ★★★½

Watched on Saturday March 2, 2024.

The Taste of Things, 2023 - ★★★★


Babylon, 2022

Watched on Thursday February 29, 2024.

My first book by Cole. I’m half way through and enjoying it very much.

Currently reading: Open City by Teju Cole 📚

The Spirit of the Beehive, 1973

Watched on Sunday February 25, 2024.

Poor Things, 2023

Watched on Sunday February 25, 2024.

Currently reading: Decreation by Anne Carson 📚

Loved Lem’s imaginative descriptions of the flora & fauna on the planet and the crew’s speculations about the nature of the civilization they encounter. It reminded me of the recent animated series Scavengers Reign.

Finished reading: Eden by Stanislaw Lem 📚

One more addition to my book haul from yesterday, Nox by Anne Carson.